This bag, unlike most of our bags, has only one strap – the shoulder strap. The tassel is not included, but it can be purchased additionally.
The colour of the bag and straps in the photo may vary slightly from the real one.
You can purchase additional accessories for this bag in the Leather Accessories and Paracord and Beads accessories sections of our online shop.
Bag dimensions: 12,5*20*7 cm.
Inside the bag: main compartment 11*18*6cm and pocket for money or business cards 7*13cm.
Adjustable shoulder strap length: from 78 to 123 cm.
Shoulder strap width: 3 cm.
Bag material: leather (Italy).
Strap material: leather (Italy).
Bag colour: blue with painted cuts around the edges.
Strap colour: blue with painted cuts around the edge.
Metal accessories: nickel (Italy).
SUMMER 365 is the second CODE:UNIK handbag series of the year, reflecting the main trends in the colour palette of modern fashion.
What distinguishes SUMMER 365 drop bags:- Italian leather of premium quality, compacted according to the author's methodology with the use of modern technologies;
- reliable Italian hardware;
- unique number engraved on the inside of the bag;
- updated design of the inner pocket;
- improved straps;
- lifetime warranty on each product.